Nanny Share
Nanny Share provides families the benefits of a nanny at a more feasible cost. Nanny share is a win-win for the nanny and the families who hire her. The nanny gets a higher salary (usually 20% more than normal) and because the salary is divided between the 2 (or sometimes 3) families, each family still pays less than the cost of the nanny solely in a one family arrangement. However, there are many important factors to consider which will help ensure a successful nanny share arrangement.
Find a share family whose schedules are compatible with your own.
Will the nanny watch the children at one house, or will the families alternate days?
Find a share family whose children are close to your own children’s ages. This will help the children to get along with each other, and help ensure that the arrangement will last for an agreed upon time, i.e., one family won’t be leaving the arrangement sooner because the older children no longer need a nanny, leaving the other family scrambling to find another family to share the cost.
Find a share family whose parenting styles are similar to your own in regards to discipline, activity levels, dietary concerns, etc.
Both families must agree on food costs, entertainment costs, etc., for the children.
The nanny interviews should be conducted with both families present.
All parties should agree upon emergency procedure guidelines for the nanny to follow.
Both families should agree upon how to proceed if the nanny is sick and unable to work.
Nanny vacation and sick time, also how much each family pays the nanny according to amount of time and number of children must be agreed upon by all parties.
How each family will report payroll taxes for the nanny must be agreed upon by all parties.
Have regular scheduled meetings with the nanny to bring up any concerns.
Put EVERYTHING in writing to avoid misunderstandings and to provide a base of reference for both families and nanny to follow.
Above all, communicate with your children, with the share family, and with the nanny! makes it easy for you to find your share family. You can advertise a nanny share ad and communicate directly with families that contact you, or you can search ads placed by other families and contact them directly through our site.
Nanny share can provide a rich and wonderful experience for your children and give you the satisfaction of knowing your children are well taken care of at a cost you can afford.